· April 28, 2021


Authority Magazine | Five Things You Need To Be A Highly Effective Leader During Turbulent Times

April 28, 2021

Authority Magazine caught up with Bert to discuss his approach to leadership during especially challenging times.

The in-depth interview opens with stories of impactful leadership Bert has received himself over the course of his career, before diving into how he managed to keep multiple businesses afloat—and teams engaged—throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

“A leader has to be parental,” shares Bert. “I use that word in a positive, very sense. During challenging times, some people need to know that they’re safe, that we over-communicate, that we put our arms around them, and that we’re there.”

Read the full article to learn more about the moments in his own career that have shaped Bert’s perspectives on leadership, and how that translates to his communicate style today.